Company Overview
Criterion Estates Limited is listed at the official companies registry as Active Private Limited Company. The company was incorporated on Thursday 07 October 1937, so this is a well established company. Criterion Estates Limited has been in business for 86 years and 11 months. The accounts status is total exemption full and the accounts are next due on Saturday 28 December 2024.
Registered Address

Aldgate Tower, 2 Leman Street, London, E1W 9US
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Companies House Data
Company Number00332296
Registered Office AddressALDGATE TOWER
 E1W 9US
Company CategoryPrivate Limited Company
Company StatusActive
Country of OriginUnited Kingdom
Incorporation Date07/10/1937
Accounting Reference Date Day28
Accounting Reference Date Month3
Accounts Next Due Date28/12/2024
Accounts Last Made Up Date31/03/2023
Accounts Account CategoryTOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
Returns Next Due Date19/07/2017
Returns Last Made Up Date21/06/2016
Directors & Members
Show Resigned
Hamish Guest - Director
(British, 50 years old, born April 1974)
Director - Appointed 22 June 2017
Rosanna Guest - Director
(British, 44 years old, born June 1980)
Director - Appointed 06 November 2017
Alexandra Jones - Director
(British, 53 years old, born July 1971)
Director - Appointed 17 March 2010
Phillipa Ricks - Director
(British, 80 years old, born August 1944)
Retirer Property Manager
Show Resigned
Other Company Directorships
Hamish Guest
Rosanna Guest
Alexandra Jones
Phillipa Ricks
No companies found
Balance Sheet Unlock full report
Accounts Date 31-Mar-2023 31-Mar-2021 31-Mar-2020
Balance Sheet
Fixed Assets 2,618,168 2,618,168 2,317,610
Current Assets 1,976,903 1,976,903 2,014,020
Creditors Due Within One Year 198,304 198,304 231,202
Working Cap 1,778,599 1,778,599 1,782,818
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 4,396,767 4,396,767 4,100,428
Long-term Liabilities 101,594 101,594 43,028
Net Assets 4,295,173 4,295,173 4,057,400
Share Capital & Reserves
Share Cap - - -
Profit & Loss Reserves - - -
Other Reserves - - -
Shareholders Funds 4,295,173 4,295,173 4,057,400
Common Size Financial Analysis Unlock full report
Accounts Date 31-Mar-2023 31-Mar-2021 31-Mar-2020
Tangible Fixed Assets - - -
Fixed Assets 57.0% 57.0% 53.5%
Stocks Inventory - - -
Debtors 16.7% 16.7% 15.2%
Cash Bank In Hand 26.3% 26.3% 31.3%
Current Assets 43.0% 43.0% 46.5%
Creditors Due Within One Year 4.3% 4.3% 5.3%
Net Current Assets Liabilities 38.7% 38.7% 41.2%
Creditors Due After One Year - - -
Accruals Deferred Income - - -
Provisions For Liabilities Charges - - -
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability - - -
Called Up Share Capital - - -
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid - - -
Profit Loss Account Reserve - - -
Shareholder Funds 93.5% 93.5% 93.7%
Capital Employed - - -
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 95.7% 95.7% 94.7%
Financial Ratio Analysis Unlock full report
Accounts Date 31-Mar-2023 31-Mar-2021 31-Mar-2020
Liquidity Ratio 10.0 10.0 8.7
Solvency Ratio 15.3 15.3 15.8
Reserves to Assets - - -
Secured Creditors Unlock full report
Mortgages Charges 15
Mortgages Outstanding 2
Mortgages Part Satisfied 0
Mortgages Satisfied 13
Assets and Debt Analysis Unlock full report
Accounts Date 31-Mar-2023 31-Mar-2021 31-Mar-2020
Assets 4,595,071 4,595,071 4,331,630
Debt 299,898 299,898 274,230
Net Assets/Debt 4,295,173 4,295,173 4,057,400

The following is based on the accounts data presented in this report sourced from Companies House, however the company has filed later accounts. Our analysis of the latest account can be viewed by unlocking our full report.

The company balance sheet displays a comfortable surplus of working capital. We would normally view this positively. Total reserves including retained profitability and movement in reserves appeared positive. We would normally view a company positively for this. For the size of the company inferred by the balance sheet the level of net assets suggests a comfortable level of cover for total debts and obligations.

Unlock full report  The following is based on the accounts data presented in this report sourced from Companies House, however the company has filed later accounts. Our analysis of the latest account can be viewed by unlocking our full report.The company balance sheet displays a comfortable surplus of working capital. We would normally view this positively. Total reserves including retained profitability and movement in reserves appeared positive. We would normally view a company positively for this. For the size of the company inferred by the balance sheet the level of net assets suggests a comfortable level of cover for total debts and obligations.   The following is based on the accounts data presented in this report sourced from Companies House, however the company has filed later accounts. Our analysis of the latest account can be viewed by unlocking our full report.The company balance sheet displays a comfortable surplus of working capital. We would normally view this positively. Total reserves including retained profitability and movement in reserves appeared positive. We would normally view a company positively for this. For the size of the company inferred by the balance sheet the level of net assets suggests a comfortable level of cover for total debts and obligations.

This review of public record balance sheet and company status information is presented under the terms of Open Government Licence and is for informational purposes only, is general in nature, and is not intended as an opinion or advice for any specific circumstances. The commentary and the colour band score is not a credit rating or credit risk assessment.

This review does not constitute a full credit rating or credit risk assessment based on the full analysis and credit score algorithms used in our credit reports. A full credit report may also provide information relating to trade payment history and county court or court judgments if any.

Public Record Information Unlock full report
Exact Court Judgements
Period of Months Last 12m 13-24m 25-36m 37-48m 49-60m 61-72m
Number of Exact CCJS X Y Y X X Y
Value of Exact CCJS YXY YK S S X KX
Supplier Credit Limits Unlock full report
Date Sector Notified Amount Terms
Payment Records Unlock full report
Payment Records from it's suppliers' company ledger show how a company is paying its suppliers

Payment Analysis

Total Invoices Paid Before
30 days due
Paid After
30 days due
Owing Before
30 days due
Owing after
30 days due
Company Valuation Analysis Unlock full report

Going Concern Valuation

The going concern valuations value the company on the basis that it continues to trade without the threat of liquidation for the foreseeable future. These valuations are primarily profit and cashflow based.

Valuations Valuation Measures
Estimated High Value £XSI,000 Retained Profit £YX,000
Estimated Mid Value £YY,000 EBIT £SY,000
Estimated Low Value £X,000 EBITDA £SSX,000

Liquidation Valuation

The liquidaton valuation values the company as if it were to cease trading and assets were subject to rapid disposal to cover liabilities. This valuation is primarily asset based.

Valuations Valuation Measures
Estimated High Value £XY,000 Total Assets £XIX,000
Estimated Mid Value £Y,000 Net Assets £YX,000
Estimated Low Value £S,000 Tangible Equity £SX,000

The above valuations are based on our own algorithms and take no account of many factors that can influence actual valuations realized and should not therefore be assumed to be accurate.

Credit Status Checklist Unlock full report
Business Growth Please purchase a report to see true comments
EBITDA Purchase a report to see true comments
Dividends Please purchase a report to see true comments about this company
Retained Profits Retained Profits for this company
Debt Interest Debt Interest for this company
Cash Flow Cash Flow for this company
CCJs CCJs for this company
Age of Company Age of Company for this company
Solvency Solvency for this company
Secured Creditors Secured Creditors for this company
Ownership Ownership for this company

First Report Score: (0-10) X
Financial Status Guide:
10 Very Strong
9 Strong
8 Very Good
7 Good
6 Above Average
5 Average
4 Below Average
3 Poor
2 Weak
1 Very Weak
0 Critical

Risk Score Trend

Risk Rating Unlock full report

This is the credit risk assessment used by one of the top UK credit reference agencies.

Risk Score (1-100) X
Risk Band Description XXMXMXMX SISX
Risk Assessment Meeting of Creditors
Credit Rating XSKX
Altman Z Score Credit Risk Rating Unlock full report

There have been many bankruptcy predictors developed, however none has been so thoroughly tested and broadly accepted as the Altman Z-Score.

Z Score X
Risk Band XY
Risk Band Description The Z Score is not used for small companies where full accounts are not filed because profit and loss account items are required to calculate the score.

Z Score Bands

1 Low Risk 3.00 and above
2 Caution 2.63 - 2.99
3 Risk of Failure within 2 years 1.24 - 2.62
4 High Probability Failure Below 1.24
Other Business around E1W 9US
No other companies found in the same location
Document Filings
Confirmation statement made on 21 June 2024 with no updates
Registered office address changed from 2 Leman Street London E1W 9US United Kingdom to Aldgate Tower 2 Leman Street London E1W 9US on 8 May 2024
Director's details changed for Mrs Phillipa Carol Talbot Ricks on 5 April 2024
Director's details changed for Mrs Alexandra Maria Jones on 5 April 2024
Director's details changed for Mr Hamish John Talbot Guest on 5 April 2024
Director's details changed for Mrs Rosanna Victoria Guest on 5 April 2024
Registered office address changed from Finsgate 5-7 Cranwood Street London EC1V 9EE to 2 Leman Street London E1W 9US on 3 April 2024
Confirmation statement made on 21 June 2023 with updates
Director's details changed for Alexandra Maria Jones on 4 July 2023
Confirmation statement made on 21 June 2022 with no updates
Director's details changed for Mrs Phillipa Carol Talbot Ricks on 12 July 2022
Compulsory strike-off action has been discontinued
Confirmation statement made on 21 June 2021 with updates
Compulsory strike-off action has been suspended
Termination of appointment of John Ashley Talbot Guest as a director on 24 November 2020
Termination of appointment of John Ashley Talbot Guest as a secretary on 24 November 2020
First Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off
Current accounting period shortened from 29 March 2020 to 28 March 2020
Confirmation statement made on 21 June 2020 with updates
Previous accounting period shortened from 30 March 2019 to 29 March 2019

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